My Most Recommended Reads- Kathryn

I didn’t start off with a strong will to read. When I was 12, my mom begged me to read. “I’ll pay you $20 if you just read one book” with a questionable & lightly concerned look on her face.

Can I get this deal again? Anyone? 

The book was “Anne of Green Gables”. I read the entire book in one afternoon and was thoroughly lost in it. My friends came knocking on my door on that perfect summer day & I sat on my bean bag, skipped meals + sat enraptured by the 1908 novel. I have to say, I didn’t care much for the $20 at this point but I wasn’t going to let my mom know that I actually liked it!

Fast forward to college, it’s near impossible to read books for fun when you have massive amounts of reading, essays, research papers & group projects to do. But post-college and grad school, reading is something I really love and brings me peace. 

Here are a few of my current favs:

No Bad Parts
An insight into how we all are a collection of parts and how to integrate those parts to come back to the truest form of self.

The Power of Now
By far my favorite book. Walking you through the hard parts of spiritual enlightenment, Eckhart Tolle meets you with honesty and compassion.

The Body Keeps the Score
Van der Kolk is my hero and a leading researcher and pioneer for how the body holds trauma; how yoga can help disrupt and release trauma. This book can be intense, so I suggest taking it in doses.

You Are Your Best Thing
A real and raw collection of lived experiences told by their authors. This book will make you take a good look at yourself, your circumstances, your privilege. You’ll gain knowledge about who you are and more importantly— who others are around you.

Are there any books you recommend? Send me a DM and I’ll include them in my next book rec blog :)



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