New! Low Cost Therapy!


New! Low Cost Therapy! 〰️

Katie Elliott
Graduate Student Therapist

We’re thrilled to be able to offer significantly reduced-fee psychotherapy services. Katie only has a limited number of these spots available, starting in May. If you’re interested in working with her, please fill out this form and we’ll be in touch soon!

Katie Elliott (she/her)

Supervised by Sarah Osmer, LPC-Supervisor

In-Person in Austin + Virtual throughout Texas

Ages 18+

Specializations and Interests: mindfulness-based therapist, somatic experiencing, life transitions, self-empowerment, relationship skills & attachment concerns, transpersonal/psychedelic experience integration, spirituality, the mind-body connection, and walk-and-talk therapy.

I’m for you if: you want an empathetic, non-judgmental space to explore your inner landscapes and uncover hidden strengths that help you rediscover your innate aliveness. Whether you are seeking greater meaning in life, healing from past wounds, or exploring a spiritual journey, we can work together to create holistic healing and personal growth.

Education: Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (candidate), Naropa University

Fees: $50/50-minute session, individual

Contact: // 512.222.3410